Poštovane studentkinje i studenti
obavještavamo Vas da ove sedmice neće biti online predavanja iz predmeta Fonetika i fonologija i Savremeni engleski jezik 3 kod profesorice Slobodanke Kitić. Ona će imati svoja prva predavanja na pomenutim predmetima uživo, naredne nedjelje (26. i 27. septembar), i to uživo. Raspored ovih ppredavanja biće objavljen u petak, u sklopu nedjeljnog rasporeda.
Dear students,
We would like to inform you that this week there will be no online lectures in the subjects Phonetics and Phonology and Modern English Language 3 with Professor Slobodanka Kitić. She will have her first lectures on the aforementioned subjects next Sunday (September 26 and 27), in person. The schedule of these lectures will be announced on Friday, as part of next week's schedule.