Obavještavaju se studenti i studentkinje osnovnih studija da će prijava ispita u ljetnjem semestru 2024/25. godine, biti otvorena u periodu 17-20.02.2025. godine.
Studenti i studentkinje su u obavezi da ispite prijave samostalno, putem studentskog panela.
Svi studenti i studentkinje koji budu imali tehničkih problema sa prijavom ispita, u obavezi su da se najkasnije do 20.02.2025. obrate koordinatorki studija putem mejla milena.nikolic2@udg.edu.me.
Studenti i studentkinje koji u predviđenom roku ne prijave ispite ili se ne jave koordinatorki studija u obavezi su da plate nadoknadu na ime naknadne prijave ispita u iznosu od 30€.
We are informing undergraduate students that the exam registration in the 2024/25 spring semester will be open from the 17th to 20th February 2025.
Students are obliged to register their exams individually through the student panel.
All students who might have technical problems regarding the exam registration must contact the study coordinator by no later than 20th February via the email milena.nikolic2@udg.edu.me.
Students who do not complete their registration or do not contact the study coordinator within the said period must pay a 30 € fee for the late exam registration.